
Helping you to pass – the ONLY P6 Study Text reviewed  by the examiner! 

BPP Learning Media – the sole Platinum 
Approved Learning Partner – content 

As ACCA’s sole Platinum Approved Learning Partner – content, BPP Learning Media gives you the 
unique opportunityto use examiner-reviewedstudy materials for the 2013 exams. By incorporating the 
examiner’s comments and suggestions regarding the depth and breadth of syllabus coverage, the BPP 
Learning Media Study Text provides excellent, ACCA-approvedsupport for your studies. 

The PER alert 

Before you can qualify as an ACCA member, you do not only have to pass all your exams but also fulfil a 
three year practical experience requirement(PER). To help you to recognise areas of the syllabus that 
you might be able to apply in the workplace to achieve different performance objectives, we have 
introduced the ‘PER alert’ feature. You will find this feature throughout the Study Text to remind you that 
what you are learning to passyour ACCA exams is equally useful to the fulfilment of the PER 
Your achievement of the PER should now be recorded in your on-line My Experiencerecord.

Tackling studying 

Studying can be a daunting prospect, particularly when you have lots of other commitments. The 
different featuresof the text, the purposesof which are explained fully on the Chapter featurespage, will 
help you whilst studying and improve your chances of exam success. 

Developing exam awareness 

Our Texts are completely focusedon helping you pass your exam. 
Our advice on Studying P6outlines the contentof the paper and the necessary skillsthe examiner 
expects you to demonstrate. 
Exam focus pointsare included within the chapters to highlight when and how specific topics were 
examined, or how they might be examined in the future. 

Using the Syllabus and Study Guide 

You can find the syllabus and Study Guide on page x of this Study Text.

Testing what you can do 

Testing yourself helps you develop the skills you need to pass the exam and also confirms that you can 
recall what you have learnt. 
We include Questions– lots of them – both within chapters and in the Exam Question Bank, as well as 
Quick Quizzesat the end of each chapter to test your knowledge of the chapter content. 


Acca P2 Corporate Reporting (International and UK) Bpp Study Text

Acca P2 Corporate Reporting (International and UK) Bpp Study Text 

Acca P2 Corporate Reporting (International and UK) Bpp Study Text


The examining team reviewed P2 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA P2 syllabus topics and offers examiner advice on approaching the paper. It is suitable for both International and UK study.  Additional UK topics are covered in an online supplement. The text introduces ethics, which have an impact on all aspects of financial reporting, and financial responsibility. It also discusses accounting standards, advanced consolidation topics and current issues. The question bank contains case study style questions similar to the ones you will find on the exam.
BPP Learning Media is an ACCA approved content provider. Our examining team reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits along with our suite of study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.


ACCA P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics Bpp Study Text

ACCA P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics Bpp Study Text

ACCA P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics Bpp Study Text


The examiner-reviewed P1 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA P1 syllabus topics. It explores the principles of Governance, Risk and Ethics and how they can be applied in a range of different organizations. Detailed case studies about how Governance, Risk and Ethics issues are addressed in the real world will help build your understanding and reinforce learning.

BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits and our interactive study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.


ACCA F9 Financial Management BPP Study Text

ACCA F9 Financial Management BPP Study Text

ACCA F9 Financial Management BPP Study Text


The examiner-reviewed F9 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA F9 syllabus topics. It explores the principles of Financial Management and how they can be applied in a range of different organizations. Detailed case studies about how Financial Management issues are addressed in the real world will help build your understanding and reinforce learning.

BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits and our interactive study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.


ACCA F8 Audit And Assurance (international) Bpp Study Text

ACCA F8 Audit And Assurance (international) Bpp Study Text 

ACCA F8 Audit And Assurance (international) Bpp Study Text


The examiner-reviewed F8 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA F8 syllabus topics. It explores the principles of Audit And Assurance (international) and how they can be applied in a range of different organizations. Detailed case studies about how Audit And Assurance (international) issues are addressed in the real world will help build your understanding and reinforce learning.

BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits and our interactive study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.


Acca F7 Financial Reporting (International) Bpp Study Text

Acca F7 Financial Reporting (International) Bpp Study Text

Acca F7 Financial Reporting (International) Bpp Study Text


The examining team reviewed F7 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA F7 syllabus topics and offers examiner advice on approaching the paper. It is suitable for both International and UK study.  Additional UK topics are covered in an online supplement. The text takes the examiner's guidance into account on how topics will be addressed in the exam and concentrates on key areas.
A step-by-step approach to producing consolidated financial statements is provided, and there are exercises to practise the workings. Problematic topics that influence the preparation of single company financial statements are discussed, as it the critical awareness of problems in financial reporting that the examiner expects to see demonstrated at this level.
BPP Learning Media is an ACCA approved content provider. Our examining team reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits along with our suite of study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success


Acca F6 Taxation (UK) FA 2012 Bpp Study Text

Acca F6 Taxation (UK) FA 2012 Bpp Study Text

Acca F6 Taxation (UK) FA 2012 Bpp Study Text


The examiner-reviewed F6 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA F6 syllabus topics. Computations are the most important part of this paper so there are plenty of detailed, worked examples throughout the text to help build your understanding and reinforce learning.

BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits and our interactive study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success. 

ACCA F5 Performance Management Bpp Study Text

ACCA F5 Performance Management Bpp Study Text

ACCA F5 Performance Management Bpp Study Text

The examiner-reviewed F5 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA F5 syllabus topics. It explores the principles of Performance Management and how they can be applied in a range of different organizations. Detailed case studies about how Performance Management issues are addressed in the real world will help build your understanding and reinforce learning.
BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits and our interactive study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.

ACCA F4 Corporate and Business Law (English) Bpp Study Text

ACCA F4 Corporate and Business Law (English) Bpp Study Text
ACCA F4 Corporate and Business Law (English) Bpp Study Text


The examiner-reviewed F4 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA F4 syllabus topics. It explores key legal issues relevant to businesses, and demonstrates how they are put in to practice. Detailed examples throughout the text will help build your understanding and reinforce learning.  BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits and our interactive study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.

Acca F3 Financial Accounting (INT) - FIA FFA Bpp Study Text

Acca F3 Financial Accounting (INT) - FIA FFA Bpp Study Text 

Acca F3 Financial Accounting (INT) - FIA FFA Bpp Study Text


The examiner-reviewed F3 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA F3 syllabus topics. It explores the principles of Financial Accounting (INT) and how they can be applied in a range of different organizations. Detailed case studies about how Financial Accounting (INT) issues are addressed in the real world will help build your understanding and reinforce learning.

BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits and our interactive study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.


  •     Learn the underlying principles, concepts and regulations relating to financial accounting
  •     Worked examples and activities to help reinforce your knowledge
  •     Understand technical proficiency in the use of double-entry accounting techniques
  •     FREE supplementary materials to boost your F3 exam success

The ACCA F3 Complete Text provides an introduction to accounting techniques, concepts and regulations.

The F3 study text is designed to complement your own learning style, whether that’s gaining a thorough understanding of financial accounting or simply concentrating on the key examinable topics. Plus, this F3 Complete Text is approved by the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants so you can be confident that the material fully covers the syllabus.

Topics covered

  •     Context and purpose of financial reporting
  •     Qualitative characteristics of financial information
  •     Fundamental bases of accounting
  •     Double entry and accounting systems
  •     Recording transactions and events
  •     Preparing trial balances (including identifying and correcting errors)
  •     Preparing financial statements
  •     Interpreting financial statements.

Click to access 

Acca F3 Financial Accounting (INT) - FIA FFA Bpp Study Text

Acca F2 (FMA) Management Accounting Bpp Study Text 2013-2014

Acca F2 (FMA) Management Accounting Bpp Study Text 

Acca F2 (FMA) Management Accounting Bpp Study Text 2013-2014


The Financial Management Study Text contains all you need to know for the F2 assessment and fully explains all areas of the syllabus. Exercises within each chapter cover both basic principles and more detailed issues including complex groups and changes in group structure. Practical accounting standards and their implementation are illustrated and detailed examples, questions and quick quizzes throughout help you build your understanding and practise accounting techniques.
BPP Learning Media provides the widest range of study materials of any CIMA publisher. Our comprehensive printed materials highlight the areas to focus on for your exams and our eLearning products complement the syllabus to increase your understanding.
Click to access 

F2 (FMA) Management Accounting Bpp Study Text


Acca F1 (FAB) Accountant In Business Bpp Study Text 2013-2014

Acca F1 (FAB) Accountant In Business Bpp Study Text 2013-2014

Acca F1 (FAB) Accountant In Business Bpp Study Text 2013-2014


The examiner-reviewed F1 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA F1 syllabus topics. It explores the principles of Accountant In Business and how they can be applied in a range of different organizations. Detailed case studies about how performance management issues are addressed in the real world will help build your understanding and reinforce learning.

BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice & Revision Kits and our interactive study tools will provide you with the up-to-date material you need for exam success.

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